June is Dairy Month

by Susan Anglin

Dairy Month celebrates how dairy farm families and the dairy industry provide a steady supply of milk and milk products to meet the needs of all consumers every day through the year.  The first June Dairy Month celebration began in 1937 to stabilize dairy demand during periods of peak production that occurred in the spring months and has evolved to June involving entire communities celebrating and using our great dairy products.

Regardless of the number of cows a dairy farmer milks or if the method of production is conventional or organic, the ultimate goal of every dairy farmer is to produce safe, high quality milk for all consumers.  On our farm located in the northwest corner of Arkansas, we milk 300 black and white spotted dairy cows (known as Holsteins) twice every day.   Our cows are provided a nutritious balanced diet of hay and grain, plenty of fresh, clean water and pastures for rest and relaxation.  Caring for our animals and the land we live on is important to the sustainability of our family farm and the reason we can celebrate June Dairy Month.

As part of our June Dairy Month celebration tradition in Northwest Arkansas, we look forward to seeing dairy friends from our community and the four-state area  come together for “Dairy Days” on June 15-16 at the Benton County Fairgrounds. 4-H members from the four-state area will participate in learning activities like dairy skill-a-thon and dairy quiz bowl, compete in a variety of fun activities like milk cow relay and exhibit dairy cattle in competition on Saturday.  I’ll have to admit that one of my favorite things about Dairy Days is the unlimited amount of ice cream that is readily available!

Let’s raise our glass of milk — the Arkansas state drink — and celebrate June Dairy Month together!

Susan Anglin is a city girl gone country. She married a third-generation dairy farmer 26 years ago and has never looked back. Learn more about Susan by visiting her blog Spotted Cow Review